Why buy an EV?
Less damaging to the environment and cheaper to run are our top two reasons. This is a long piece that explores the issues in depth, but if you expand the description below the video window you can jump to different sections.
What about the environmental concerns?
There has been much in the press about EVs actually having more of an environmental impact than normal cars. We think this pretty much answers that misconception.
How do I charge an EV, and how long does it take?
A seemingly simple question, but not a straightforward answer, so try looking at this link https://www.zap-map.com/charge-points/ or watching
Further information can be found here:
As we grow, gain experience, and interact with community projects and partners across the UK we will post useful resources - links, documents etc - here. So check back periodically to see who we’ve been talking to.
Barriers of Electric Vehicle Ownership-Debunked
As the government’s ban on combustion engine vehicles looms closer in 2030, more consumers than ever are beginning to look at alternatives to their current vehicles. However, with the excitement of change comes perceived barriers and concerns. Here at Charge My Street we would love to debunk some myths or quell some concerns you may have taking the step to purchasing your first Electric Car.
Range Anxiety
Probably the biggest concern new adopters to electric vehicles have is range anxiety, with your current vehicle you can comfortably complete day to day journeys with little worry you will run out of fuel. While the range of electric vehicles is improving all the time, they do need to be charged more frequently than most internal combustion engine vehicle. The UK now has more charging locations than petrol stations but needs to grow and be more conveniently located to meet the increased demand. Charge My Street are constantly trying to improve provision with community funded charge points available to anyone with an EV.
With an improved distribution of chargepoints there is very little chance you would be without charge given some planning. Gone are the days of total reliance on home charging and an electric vehicle only being available to those with driveways. But to ensure the growth in electric vehicles is sustained providing benefits ahead of the 2035 deadline the convenience of chargepoints must continue to improve.
In a 2019 survey conducted by the Department of Transport (DOT), they discovered the most common trip length for a driver in the North West is under 10 miles, with very few drivers driving 50 to 100 miles per trip. All these trip lengths can be completed in a modern EV, multiple short trips would be easily completed on one single charge.

Most common trips in the North West were; commuting (15%), school run (6%) or shopping (20%). Since 2017 there has been an influx of chargepoints installed in supermarket carparks, allowing shoppers to use the facilities whilst they shop. Charge My Street has also installed chargepoints across various locations in the North of England allowing users to charge their vehicles away from the home. Locations such as; Community centres, Campuses and Sports facilities have been installed allowing users to complete their most common trips without the stresses of range anxiety.

As we grow, gain experience, and interact with community projects and partners across the UK we will post useful resources - links, documents etc - here. So check back periodically to see who we’ve been talking to.