Invest in a sustainable future
Help us to expand our network of charging points for electric vehicles. You can pledge your support for a local site or invest directly so we can grow our network.
We currently need to raise funds to replace our older chargers, which from January 2025 will be unsupported by their manufacturer, EO. The new chargers will have the advantage of being more reliable, reducing our operating costs and give us more opportunity to generate revenue by providing grid flexibility services. To find out more please read the update at the end of our Share Offer Document.

Why do people invest?
“I really like the ethos of Charge My Street and they are addressing something that is a real problem for me as I live in a terrace house and want to buy an electric car.”
Jim Mann
“I strongly believe that electric vehicles should be accessible by all. Charge My Street, as a not-for-profit, is making this happen in my community and I was keen to support them.”
Michael Gibson
General investment information
Financial Overview
The share offer aims to raise £75,000 and opened on 13th November 2023. The minimum investment is £100, maximum investment is £20,000. and the anticipated return is 5%. You should review the Share Offer Document before investing as this set out the plans, risks, and financial assumptions.
Ready to invest?
You can pledge your support for chargepoint upgrades or for a specific site shown on the map above. Simply click on the pin and follow the instructions. If you don't want to invest, we would love to know why - please take our 10 second survey. If you have more questions, please visit FAQ or contact us.
We would like you to regard your investment in Charge My Street as a long-term investment. However, if you need to you can apply to withdraw your shares once you have held them for 3 years. There is a three month notice period for share withdrawals. Please complete the form here.