General Investment
Funds raised so far:

£5352 of £9800 already pledged.


Please note this Share Offer is for UK Residents only.


We are raising investment to expand our network of chargepoints for electric vehicles.

You can invest directly in growing our network of chargepoints or pledge your support for a specific site.

Why invest?

  • Pledge financial support to a specific site makes it more likely to go ahead.
  • By building chargepoints where there is demand from local people, there is a better chance that chargepoints will go into places where they are most needed.
  • You can earn interest on your investment and we aim to repay your investment in the future (subject to the performance of Charge my Street)
  • You can get tax relief on your investment. 
  • More people switching to EVs will lead to improvements in air quality, reduced traffic noise and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
  • With greater availability and visibility of chargepoints, residents are more likely to consider switching to an EV.

Financial Overview

The share offer aims to raise £50,000 and opens on 13th November 2023. The minimum investment is £100, maximum investment is £20,000. and the anticipated return is 5%.

You should review the Share Offer before investing as this set out the plans, risks, and financial assumptions.

Why do people invest?

Here's what our earlier investors have said:

I really like the ethos of Charge my Street and they are addressing something that is a real problem for me as I live in a terrace house and want to buy an electric car." Jim Mann

I strongly believe that electric vehicles should be accessible by all. Charge My Street, as a not-for-profit, is making this happen in my community and I was keen to support them. " Michael Gibson

More questions?

See our share offer FAQ . Contact us from the link below or give us a call.

Ready to invest?

You can pledge your support for a specific site shown on the map above. Simply click on the pin and follow the instructions. 

If you don't want to invest, we would love to know why - please take our 10 second survey

To withdraw your share, click here.