For Support: 01524 881227
Please note this Share Offer is for UK Residents only.
What are we aiming to do?
Raise investment to install your local electric vehicle chargepoint.
Why invest?
Financial overview
This is part of a larger open share offer that aims to raise £50,000 for a number of chargepoint installations. It opens in November 2023 and remains open for investment until the total is reached. Minimum investment is £100, maximum investment is £20,000. The anticipated return is 5%.
You should review the Share Offer before investing as they set out the plans, risks, and financial assumptions.
How long is the share offer open for?
The share offer launched on 21st November 2023 and will run until the target is met.
What is the process?
If the investment target is not met, then we will not ask you to invest. We may extend the period that it is open for investment and will let you know if we decide to do this.
If you still have questions, see our share offer FAQ . Contact us from the link below or give us a call.
Ready to invest? Click continue to start the process. And if you don't want to invest, we would love to know why - please take our 10 second survey